Liquid Face Lifting

This application (surgery) is not only practiced against anti-aging. The main aim of this process is to reach the ‘Golden Ratio’ by finding solutions to anatomic and symmetric rates that make the face look old, damaged and saggy.

No Operation
No Stay
No Recovery
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these technics were begun to implement in non-surgical cases. At this stage, HYALURONIC ACID is used initially. Determining as a tissue liquid, H.A. is a supporting material that exists in our skin naturally. It was produced in high laboratory technology through a small change in the structure of sugar molecule. In this type of treatment, a material that exists in human body is utilized. Moreover, the products produced day by day, are showing more natural performance.

Before the Treatment

Before operation, your doctor will first evaluate your face, part of your skin and underlying bone then discuss your goals for the operation, and in the end check your medical history. -A general Physical Examination. -Avoid Medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin etc.-Avoid smoking several weeks before

During Treatment



The H.A. including products show an average of 12 months performance and disappear slowly in 18 months. After this period, it’s necessary to re-locate them. It is a natural process. These products are not reacting with human organism like the permanent products, which indicate a foreign matter reaction. So they are not bringing an extra volume. They are only entering a natural reaction by keeping water. This process is an advantage for saggy faces, because every year different new areas are treating.

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