What is Liposuction?
Liposuction method is the way of removal of fat from the difficult part of the body which do not respond the traditional methods of losing weight. The fat part is removed through a hollow instrument, known as “cannula”. High pressure and powerful vacuum is applied to the cannula. It’s a procedure that most frequently performed by Aesthetic Surgeons. The main aim is to alter body shape and the results are usually long lasting, providing you maintain a healthy weight. Liposuction can treat different part of your body, such as thighs, hips, upper arms, chest area, waist, chin, neck, inner knee etc.
Before the Treatment
Before your liposuction operation, your doctor may mark circles and lines on the areas of your body where to be treated. Photos may also be taken before the operation. Your surgeon will examine your body, and review your medical history. Before the operation avoid medication, stop smoking at least two weeks before surgery, As Adults within 30% of your ideal weight, you have firm and elastic, have firm and elastic skin, maintain a stable weight and try to reach optimal weight, be as fit as possible to help the recovery process
During Treatment
You should expect some bruising, soreness and swelling. After the operation, you would be fitted with an elasticated support corset or compression bandages, and you will need to wear a support garment for a few weeks. You may also need to take some antibiotics for reduce the risk of infection, only advised medication to apply or take orally to aid healing and reduce the risk of infection. Drink water as much as you can that you are not dehydrated. Avoid sport activities, heavy lifting, swimming, strenuous exercise and consuming alcohol.
Boost Confidence and Self esteem, Reduce swelling, Long Lasting Results, Extremely Safe and Effective, Perfect Reshape Your Body and Improve body Proposition, Reduce Risk of Diseases, No Discomfort.