What is FUE Hair Transplant?
The Healthy hair of the Patient is transferred and implanted the hair loss area. FUE procedures are slightly different than other methods, as the steps are; first step: back of your head is shaved off, second step: each follicles are take out of your scalp, third step: small holes are made in your scalp and grafted in these holes, fourth step: surgical sites are covered with bandages. FUE hair transplantation technique consistently yields successful outcomes in the term of natural look hairline, hair density, and it eliminates donor linear scarring. FUE technique is the best option relatively small transplants, also more suitable for younger patients or those who only require a relatively small number of grafts in the hairline. FUE operations are virtually painless and require only a local anaesthetic.
Before the Treatment
Before making a diagnosis, your surgeon may ask you a physical exam and your medical history, some regular test such as blood test, pull test, scalp biopsy, light microscopy. Before the operation, you should not take any supplements, alcohol, smoking, and vitamin. Wash your hair before the operation but do not use any extra hair products.
During Treatment
You will have a bandage on your donor part and a hair band too.-Avoid the swelling on your face. -Do not smoke and do not drink alcohol.-Do not go to swimming pool, bath or sauna.-Avoid sport activities. -Avoid exposure of sun. -Avoid touching your hair. -Use high pillow. Do not sleep with a headband on your head.-Wash your hair at home on fifth or sixth day. The operation will take about 4 to 8 hours. The estimated time of hair transplant is dependent on multiple factors. At least 3 days is necessary for the whole pre/post process.
100 % Natural Look, Improved Appearance, Healthy & Original Hair, No pain (minimal post operative agony) and no stitches are required, No complication, No nerve damage, No dot scarring, Short Healing Time ( 7 to 10 days max.) High Tech Methods, 7/24 Professional Assistance….