Filler Treatment

An injection takes only a few minutes, dermal filler are instant, a visible result after injection (10 to 50 min.). Fillers mostly last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years.

10-30 minutes
1-2 DAYS
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What is Filler Treatment ?

Filler Treatments are non-surgical treatments, which are usually used for smoothing fine lines and wrinkles, and provide extra volume and fullness to skin beginning to suffer from volume loss. Injectable skin fillers have added new dimensions to the field of plastic surgery, allowing new forms of facial rejuvenation and wrinkle treatment without any surgery. The dermal Fillers used for aesthetic reasons give your face a fresh, youthful and healthy look. It’s a cosmetic procedure that used to minimise the appearance of lines and wrinkles to restore a young and fresh look. You can have filler for facial restructure, such as cheeks, chins, create fuller lips and reshape the nose. Fillers provide immediate results. There are three different major fillers; permanent, long-lasting and temporary Fillers.

Before the Treatment

Avoid medicines, such as aspirin or other drugs, may cause increase risk of bleeding and bruising.-Avoid supplements, such as Vitamin E, St.Johns Wort, Ginseng, Garlic etc.-Avoid waxing, bleaching or tweezing.-Avoid alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours before treatment. -Avoid exposure to sun. -Avoid full portion of meal, eat a small portion of meal, or snack.- Inform your surgeon about your medical history, any specific allergies.

During Treatment

The result of your Filler treatment can take up to 2 weeks to take full effect. After the treatment, there may be bruising, swelling, redness, tenderness, itching. This is very usual and normal, generally disappears within a few days. The filler treatments are minimal, just a little swelling and redness near your injection side, but you can simply cover it up with makeup, and you are free to continue your daily routines and activities.-Avoid touch or rub injected site. -Avoid any massages for two weeks after treatment.-Avoid lying down on your face. -Avoid excessive heat exposure.-Avoid strenuous exercise.-Use your sun lotion everyday. -Do not consume alcohol at least one day after operation.


100 % Natural Look, Non Surgical Treatment, Minimal Recovery Time, Fresh and Youthful Appearance, Predictable Outcomes, Safe and Effective Result, 100% Satisfaction, Easy Applicability, Efficacy, Immediate Result, No downtime, Long Lasting Effect, Beneficial For The Skin, Boost Your Collagen, Goodbye to Scars.

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