Brow / Forehead Lift

A cosmetic procedure that raises the brows and improves the appearance of the forehead. A brow lift procedure is used to treat the fine lines and wrinkles that occur as a result of ageing.

1-2 hours
10-14 DAYS
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What is Brow / Forehead Lift?

The brow lift addresses some issues around and above the brow to give the face fresh and younger, absolutely rejuvenated appearance. The muscles and tissues, which cause wrinkles or dropping, are replaced and removed.It tightens the muscles in the forehead and removes excess fat. The main aim is to raise and relocate the displaced eyebrows. Brow lift operation is a surgery to correct sagging part and deeply furrowed brow. This operation can make you look younger and fresh. Brow lift operations divided three main techniques; Endoscopic Brow Lift, Coronal Brow Lift, Hairline Brow Lift. The operation is generally performed under a local anaesthetic combined with a sedative, patients are awake but do not feel pain during operation.

Before the Treatment

Before operation, your doctor will first evaluate your face, part of your skin and underlying bone then discuss your goals for the operation, and in the end check your medical history. -A general Physical Examination. -Avoid Medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin etc.-Avoid smoking several weeks before

During Treatment

Apply Cold Compress to relieve swelling.-Avoid Sport Activities; physical activities should be limited for several weeks, such as jogging, sex, heavy house works included.-Avoid Smoking-Avoid wearing tops that must be pulled over the head.-Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen at least a week.-Avoid exposing your incisions, minimal pressure and motion.-Rest as a position your head elevated


100% Youthful Look and Refreshed, Reduced Wrinkles, Improves Frown Lines, Elevate and Reposition the Brow, Restore Youthful Definition, Rejuvenated Appearance, Natural Looking,

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