Breast Lift

The purpose of the operation is reshaping the breasts that negatively affected by factors such as breastfeeding, pregnancy, and gravity over the years. Breast Lift surgery is a procedure, which raises and reshape the sagging breasts. It will eliminate the extra skin on your breasts

1,5 - 2,5 HOURS
4/6 weeks
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What is Breast Lift?

Your Doctor will lift and reshape your breast. The Surgery will most likely be performed under general anaesthesia so you do not feel any pain. A Breast Lift can help to restore a more proportional youth breast shape, pleasing appearance. The operation can helps women get the breast profile they’ve always wanted.

Before the Treatment

Have a consultation with your surgeon, review your medical history.-Schedule a Mammogram, and routine health procedures.-Photos of your breast from different angles.-Avoid medication such as aspirin, ibuprofen, Vitamin E etc.-Avoid smoking -Not to eat or drink starting at midnight before Operation

During Treatment

Avoid bending down below the waist. -Avoid Medication except medication as recommended by your surgeon. -Avoid Sport Activities. -Avoid Sexual Activities.-You may take a shower 2 days after your surgery.



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