Botox Treatments

After the Botox treatment is completed, you can return to your daily routine and activities immediately. You will see a noticeable improvement in the treated frown lines and furrows within a few days after having the treatment. Botox treatment effects usually last up to four months.

10-30 minutes
No Stay
2-4 DAYS
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What is Botox Treatments?

Botox is a non-surgical solution to wrinkles and lines. It’s the perfect result for removing wrinkles and reducing the appearance of facial wrinkles. Botox is concerning certain muscular conditions. The method works by blocking impulses from nerves to muscles. It’s a temporary paralysis. As a result of Botox, deeper lines will become somewhat less deep, and superficial line will nearly disappear. Actually Botox is an effective, safe treatment for lines and wrinkles around the eyes, forehead between the eyes, migraines and excess sweating. Botox basically provides a quick and effective remedy for the facial lines and wrinkles that caused by stress, age, worry and environmental factors.

Before the Treatment

Avoid medicines, such as aspirin or other drugs, may cause increase risk of bleeding and bruising.-Avoid supplements, such as Vitamin E, St.Johns Wort, Ginseng, Garlic etc.-Avoid waxing, bleaching or tweezing.-Avoid alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours before treatment. -Avoid exposure to sun. -Avoid full portion of meal, eat a small portion of meal, or snack.- Inform your surgeon about your medical history, any specific allergies.

During Treatment

The result of your Botox treatment can take up to 15 days to take full effect. -Avoid touch or rub injected site. -Avoid any massages for two weeks after treatment.-Avoid lying down on your face. -Avoid excessive heat exposure.-Use your sun lotion everyday. -Do not consume alcohol at least one day after operation.


100 % Natural Fresh Look, No surgery, Predictable Outcomes, 100% Satisfaction, Easy Applicability, Efficacy, Minimal Recovery Time, Minimal Discomfort, No Anaesthesia, Safe and Effective Result, Relieve Migraine/Headaches, Reduce Excessive Sweating, Reduction of Chronic Back Pain.

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